Location: Fort Collins, CO
Client: SCWSD
Designed: 2020
Constructed: 2020 - 2021
CivilWorx assisted Spring Canyon Water and Sanitation District (SCWSD) with an emergency response plan and replacement design of the Swim Beach potable waterline. For this project, an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) process was utilized where CivilWorx teamed with a preselected contractor to get constructability input through the design process. CivilWorx assisted in bidding the IPD process and construction administration.
The Swim Beach waterline is a 6” single feed line running from the Horsetooth Reservoir South Bay parking lot to the top of the draw at the Medicine Ridge pump station. The line serves approximately ¾ of the District’s customers.
The new waterline follows the existing pipe’s alignment closely to minimize the potential for rock excavation given the mountainous location. Design constraints included the ability to construct due to the site conditions as well as an existing sanitary sewer line also running through the same draw. Construction phasing was implemented to adapt to changing weather conditions, and the bypass valves installed for the new construction will remain in-place to ensure the ERP can be utilized if needed.